We are seeking the attention of investors, project owners and general business facilitators. Al Faj Emirate Investments PJSC, is a project development and investment organization in Abu dhabi - UAE. Al Faj Emirate Investments PJSC makes long term capital intensive investments to deliver strong financial returns and economic diversification. We manage private investment portfolio and re-invest same through a globally diversified investment and project opportunities not limited to the following sectors:
- Real Estate/Construction/Property Development Projects.
- Agriculture, Agribusiness Projects.
- Energy (Clean Tech, Biotechnology, Renewable, Solar/Photovoltaic projects).
- Telecommunication, ICT and Software development Projects.
- Healthcare and Medical development Projects.
- Aero/Aviation development Project.
Our offer for investment is based on a purely loan/debt financing basis of 1.5% interest rate annually throughout the duration of the collaboration.
We look forward to reading from you on possible projects and investments opportunities for possible cooperation.
Sincere regards,
Youssef Majeed (Sr. Consulting Manager)
Al Faj Emirate Investments PJSC
Office No. 3, 15th Floor,
Abu Dhabi Trade Centre Building,
Tourist Club Area - Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates.